Dogs in Review Point/Counterpoint

The following attachment is a recent conversation in Dogs in Review Point/Counterpoint topic of the month section that I thought was engaging as the guest panelists answered in a thoughtful, meaningful manner. The subject matter is not new:

"In your experience, is the average exhibitor today more knowledgeable or less knowledgeable about breed standards, canine structure, and gait than he/she was 10 years ago?"

I know that this problem has been debated for at least 15 plus years alone in my circles, despite the ten years the point/counterpoint mentions. Seasoned fanciers everywhere around the country frequently discuss the matter with the same predictable results:  head shaking because many considerably experienced breeders have given up saying there is not much we can do about it now.

However, there are those of us who still attempt to educate neophytes and the instant "Know-it-all's" with articles on anatomy and muscling physiology -- replete with diagrams and dialogue meant to overcome the obstacle of complicated medical terminology. Case in point, my work with Wendell Sammet over these number of years on several educative articles regarding anatomy (currently our newest is in progress concerning joints), has not been just for our health nor glory. We break down the language in canine anatomy that consists of many interconnecting parts and convert it into lay terms so that it is easier to understand for today's average breeder and fancier. His and my efforts are intended to teach today's average Reader/exhibitor/breeder in the least ornate manner in the hopes that they retain what we explain and illustrate via diagrams to propagate better dogs.

Still, many people tell us that our endeavors are a waste of time as the outcome has already been decided. That is to say, the sport today with its majority of uninformed exhibitors and fanciers and the primary focus now being on achieving ratings and points is irreconcilable with the sport of yesteryear, its design, and mission. Irreconcilable being that the two vastly different ideas are incompatible. What is more, I believe that many long experienced AKC Judges have crossed over to the other side further bolstering the new representation of the sport. They have participated in the "dumbing down" of the sport because they are complaisant, and they do not want to rock the boat. Unfortunately, I along with others are now simply considered quaintly nostalgic.



DogsinReview Point/Counterpoint