Dr. Dodds and Hemopet advocate for the advantages of properly-balanced and prepared homemade meals for companion pets. Indeed, these include the fact that companion pet parents can control and choose ingredients, customize for age and health, and modify according to any food sensitivities and intolerances.
Facts About Caloric Density and Carbohydrates vs Protein Levels in Giant Breed Puppy Food
New Canine Nutritional Book To Read!
In addition to the books that I already recommend on my website, I had purchased Dr. Jean Dodds co-authored book with Diana Laverdure titled, "Canine Nutrigenomics, The New Science of Feeding Your Dog for Optimum Health." I am making my way through this book and would recommend this as another reference tool that "Natural Rearing" enthusiasts should have on their shelf.....
The 6 Pillars of Choosing Commercial Pet Foods
OK, so you choose not to Naturally Rear your dogs and are feeding commercial dog food. Here is a re-post of Dr. Jean Dodds "The 6 Pillars of Choosing Pet Food" that may aid you in your quest to provide the best nutrition possible for your dogs. I also included her "Food Sourcing: Six Tips When Choosing Your Pet’s Diet" that can be of value as you wade through all the different brands of pet foods...Read more!